When times get tough (like when facing the Covid-19 lockdown), you need to focus on building up your most important channel of all: your website. While your website is responsible for getting sales and leads, it doesn’t always get the attention it deserves.

When the market takes a dip, it is actually the perfect time to work on your website, because you’ll be prepared for the significant growth when things start turning up again.

More often people will think of doing SEO, and by saying that usually it is misunderstood as website keywords optimization and search friendly URL. But this is just the basic. Let’s see what we can do to build a marketing website that ranks well in Google.

Regularly adding new blog content & update old content

Google loves regularly updated website. So build a blog section in your website and start adding useful content related to your business every month / week. At the same time, update some old content with latest information.

In short, keep your site active.

Get backlinks from bloggers or sites related to your business

External inbound links help to push your ranking up. Ask the favor from bloggers or related sites to link to your home page or any of your popular inner pages. In exchange you will link back to them.

Create Citations

This is often forgotten. Citations are the business information that’s spread all around the web. Eg: your Google Business page, your Yahoo / Bing / Yelp profile pages, etc. Even if there are accounts you don’t actively use, you should still seek out all the places where your business info is listed and make sure to update it regularly.

Having accurate citations is important for your Google website ranking.

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